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Chapter Announcements

The Nanaimo Fine Art Show is coming soon!

Tell friends and family!

Get your 50/50 tickets!

More details within the Show web menu!


Watch for it! A special event is coming!

This is being advertised by the NFCA

Jan Crawford Workshop
Via the FCA
Location :
FCA workshop space Granville island (next door to the FCA Gallery)
Duration: 9:30 am - 4 pm Saturday , Sunday September 21/22
Cost : $300.
Some materials will be provided
After registering a supply list will be emailed to each participant

To register : contact Jan at

Last day to register is September 7th, 2024

Any Questions: contact Jan at
This workshop focuses on all aspects of the glazing technique and involves mixing colours
And achieving layers of transparent colour by using three specific acrylic mediums.

The workshop will include:
Preparing the canvas surface demo/ studio time
Acrylic mediums used for glazing demo / studio time
Glazing techniques demo/ studio time
Each participant will receive typed information sheets on:
Colour temperature, intensity and compliment colours
Materials used in the glazing including brushes
Information sheets on Golden acrylics and mediums




​Check out the Shows and Submissions page

for details regarding

NFCA Fall Fine Art Show

Painting Submission

Early Information 

Show Dates: Thur Nov 14 -

Sun Nov 17, 2024


Your 2024 Executives for the Nanaimo Chapter

have been elected

President: Charlotte Mougeot

Vice-President: Kathleen Stuart

Secretary: Carol Webber

Treasurer: Janene Gray

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